Monday, March 31, 2008

Big Puzzle

Teague played so hard on Saturday, that this is what he looked like on Sunday:

The enormous puzzle was an enormous hit!
Pat, pat, pat the puzzle pieces together.

He didn't quite understand the concept of the puzzle because he only wanted to stand on it and then tackle it.

More to come

Today went by tooooo fast. I intended to post all of the pictures from this weekend, but I haven't even made a dent. In all honesty, I think I have looked at about 1/8 of the pictures I took. Yes, I took that many. Check back tomorrow and I'll have more!


We hardly ever get pictures of the three of us. I know Randy will love this one.

Here was a special moment with Grandpa after Teague's party.
LOVE this picture Grandpa!


I ate too many cupcakes!

For Troy and Mandy

Thank you Mandy Troy and Ben! Teague LOVES his Little Tykes Zoo and cars. We went out to dinner after Teague's party and guess which toy he wanted to take? The forklift!

He likes playing with this toy near the dinning room window because this is the place he always watches for "Mr. Troy". It's the only toy he plays with there, so he must understand that it came from the Bradleys.

We really appreciate that Troy could come to the party, even though Mandy had to work and Ben had to nap. What a trooper you are Troy!

ISO too high

I love this pic, but I had to crank up the ISO to 1600 to get any light. Notice how grainy his face is? Not worth it!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Teague

Ok, I know I went a bit overboard with pictures. But hey, that's who I am and that's what I do.

Jennifer bought Teague a bubble maker. You would think this thing was the best invention in the world the way Teague responded to it. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun. It's a bubble wand and you just have to press and button and it makes a zillion bubbles.
This pic is hillarious because there are two bubbles in front of his eyes. Hehehe. And yes, he is putting his hand to his mouth because he is pretending to eat the bubbles.

I put Teague on the window seat over the weekend because I thought this spot would provide good light for pictures, now Teague thinks this is his special spot to sit and asks to be on the window all of the time.
Opening presents from Carla.

He loves his new puzzles.

Teague is such an inquisitor. He wanted to read the little booklet that came with the crayons.

Cookie Monster was a good gift. Here Teague is hugging him:
Giving him knuckles:

Big kisses:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Window Pictures

I took more pictures by the window last night. I couldn't help it because both of my boys were in their handsome clothes.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Day

It's really rare that I get natural light in the living room, but Easter brought some!
I'm not sure what I think about these, with the background blown out. What do you think?

Easter Morning

Right before this picture was taken Teague said "Make a mess!"

Teague wanted to kiss his Easter bunny.

Easter Egg Hunt

This was an Easter Egg Hunt at church with the Tetzlaffs.

Bennett is such a big kid now; he can write his own name!