Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I'm listening to Teague sing and this is what I hear

Old MacDonald had a farm.
And on this farm he had a pineapple.
With a yummy yummy here. Yummy yummy. Everywhere.
Old MacDonald had a farm.

Second verse:

And on this farm he had a motorcycle.
With a vroom here, vroom everywhere.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The video that everyone is waiting for... drum roll please... Teague is starting to walk!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Away on Vacation

We are still having fun on vacation! I haven't updated anyone about how Teague is doing without his cast, and I'm sorry about that. He is doing really well. The first couple of days were hard because he was so stiff. He is actually crawling now, and trying to stand up, but laughs when can't and just falls down. I'll make sure to give everyone the full details when I get home on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cast Off!!!!!!!!

Here is the last video I will post with Teague's cast. In a couple of hours it will be off!!!!!! I'm a little excited. Just a little.

Last night Teague was repeating all of the state names. Pretty cute.