Wednesday, April 30, 2008



Everynight Teague and I sing songs before bed. Have you heard this one?

On top of spaghetti
all covered in cheese
I lost my poor meatball
when somebody sneezed

It rolled off the table
and on to the floor
it rolled down the hallway
and out the front door

It rolled through the garden
and under a bush
and then my poor meatball
was nothing but mush

The mush was as tasty
as tasty could be
later that summer
it grew into a tree

the tree was all covered
with beautiful moss
it grew great big meatballs
and tomato sauce

So when you eat spaghetti
all covered with cheese
hold on to your meatball
and don't ever sneeze

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Enjoying Life

On Saturday we had a picnic on campus. I never knew there was a giant sundial in the middle of campus.


I feel like sometime I'm a little forceful with our neighbors, Mandy and Troy. I feel like I hound them to take pictures of baby Ben. But who wouldn't? Look how cute he is!

These were taken on Sunday. Mandy had just all day and night at the hospital, so she refused to let me get her in the shot - next time Mandy!


We had a fun evening last night. We grilled and ate dinner on the deck. Teague played in the sandbox during the day, so we thought we would strip him down because it was nice and warm. (By the way, he woke up this morning asking to play in the sandbox again.)

Teague announces every time a big truck goes by:
And watches it carefully:
These little train pieces are the biggest hit right now. He constantly takes them apart and puts them back together:

I thought the light was so sweet that it made him look angelic:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Old Barn

There is an old barn by our house that has fun old farm equipment. Teague wasn't in the mood to walk around, he only wanted to play with the wheels. My battery died as soon as get got there, so these were the only pics I was able to take.

Notice that most of the pictures are of his back? I think he's getting smarter and won't let me get in front of him with the camera.

Teague was not interested in being near the barn. Love the look on his face.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Regular Ol' Tuesday

Too close? Nope, just a new lens that I love. It just arrived, so I had to test it out. I'm not sure it's ever going to come off my camera now.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


These are photos from the weekend. We were at the golf course by our house. Teague loved it, but Randy loved it more.

Learning the clubs:
No one was one the course, so all the carts were lined up:
Learning to read the course:
Learning to putt:
Reading the lie together:

Temper on the course:
But daddy consoles: