Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Car Wash

Pink Eye

Pink Eye is gross. We don't like pink eye at our house.


Last week, I took Teague to the zoo. The Binder Park Zoo is nothing great, but we had a GREAT day together. I wish everyday could be a trip to the zoo.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Letterman and McCain

I thought this was pretty funny. Letterman is absolutely right; where is Palin right now?!?!

Bedtime for Frances: Not so good review

When I was little I remember reading Frances books. I loved them. But I don't remember this one.

I got Bedtime for Frances from the library and read it to Teague the other night. This is how the book goes:

Frances can't sleep. She thinks she sees a giant in the corner. She thinks the giant is going to get her.
She thinks she sees a tiger in the corner. She thinks the tiger is going to get her. Momma asks if the tiger scratched her. Daddy asks if the is mean.
She sees a crack in the ceiling. The thinks spiders and things with long legs are going to come out of the ceiling.
She goes to tell daddy that she can't sleep. Daddy says she will get a spanking if she doesn't go to bed.

I feel like a bad mom for getting that book from the library for Teague. It's awful! I don't want Teague to think tigers and giants and spiders are going to get him. And I don't want him to think he could get a spanking!

Maybe I need to screen the books I bring home from the library, and read them to make sure they are ok first. Yikes!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The leg is healed!

Remember when you were younger and you would slide on the kitchen floor with your socks? Well, Randy and Teague love it too.

Notice how breathless Teague is when he counts?

Yep, the leg is definitely healed!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My version of a scrapbook.

Monday, September 8, 2008

New car

Click on this image for the full effect: This boy can get dirty being out side for 20 seconds.

This new car is awesome. It works on centrifical (sp?) force. You just twist the steering wheel and it goes forward. It's not so great on our gravel driveway. But it works as our neighbors.

Have I ever mentioned how hard it is to find underwear to fit Teague? Size 12 underwear is impossible to find. Not to mention $12 for 3. So I've opted to go with size 18. It's a little droopy. I think he looks stinkin' funny walking around half-naked (most of the time fully naked) with his boots and droopy undies.

Play Time

Did I catch the boys sleeping?

Nope! That only lasted a second. They were {pretending} to sleep.

12 Month Clothes

Teague will find anyplace to play with his cars. He lines them all up and talks about each one. After our bath a couple of days ago, he wanted to play with his cars in the bathroom.

This is why I keep the bathroom every clean.

When he saw me with the camera he started to hide behind the toilet. He got a little to close for my comfort, so the pictures stopped there! Gross!

Now that Teague is potty trained, he went down in clothing size. He is wearing size 12 month pants and 18 month shirts.

Teague is going through a streak right now where he wants to be naked ALL of the time. He waits until I'm not looking and then strips himself down. I look up from what I'm doing and there's a naked child standing in front of me. I guess I don't worry too much about him going back to size 12. He just takes it off anyway.

Teague's Best Friend

Teague jumped into bed with Grandpa to read a story. The second he saw that I had a camera, he jumped right off the bed again. I had one second to take a shot and this is what I got:

South Haven Part I

Last weekend we went to South Haven because 1. it was a beautiful day and 2. because Grandpa hadn't been there in a LONG time. I didn't bring swim suits because I thought the water would be too cold. I was wrong! We could have gone swimming!

South Haven Part II

Just Chillin'

This was one of those days when Teague was just chillin'.