Friday, May 22, 2009

visiting our friends

Visiting Ben and Oliver. Thanks for having us over Tetzlaffs.

Tigers - roar

Two weeks ago, we woke up one morning and Randy said, "Let's be spontaneous." We went to a Tigers game! It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time.

beat boxin'

pointless. but cool.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The injured one. No, not Teague.

I think over the last three years I am a member of the most accident prone family. This time it was grandpa's turn. A filing cabinet attacked him and he ended up with an 8 inch gash in his leg that went all the way down to the bone. Poor grandpa. But the up side is that he got to spend an extra couple of days with us. We are glad you are better grandpa!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

chillin' at home

cape blowing in the wind.

Teague is back to wearing his cape everywhere. Again.

One of my favorite things to do lately is just watch him play. He picks up rocks and throws sticks. Just normal boy stuff. But I love watching him because he's exploring.

These are pictures I took which watching him be a boy.

Love this one. Look at his eyes!


Part of Teague's daily routine is to do "noses".

Monday, May 4, 2009

A day in the life of Teague

Nothing new to report. Expect that my camera takes yummy pictures.

Teague is feeling better

Last week Teague had the crud. He was laying on the couch, lookin' pretty sorry, so I snapped this pics. By the time I was done he was laughing, so it's a good thing I had the camera around.

Bunny Cake

My boss, Kevin, loaned me a cake pan to make a bunny cake. It was beautiful when it came out of the oven. But when I took it out of the pan the head fell off. I thought I would fix it with icing. So I iced one side and thought, hmmm, this is pretty, I need a picture. And in the time it took me to run into the living room to get my camera, the bunny fell over from the weight of the frosting. So now it has a severed head and is tipsy. Oh well, at least I tried. Thanks Kevin.